RTS Maker/Editor for Windows '95 Version 1.2 written by Adam F. Nielsen (adamsrealm@iname.com) This program was written mainly to extend my knowledge of Windows programming in C++, while creating a useful program. To use it, just put RTS.EXE wherever you want, and run it. It's pretty self-explanatory, however if you do need a bit of help, look on the About tab of the options dialog box. If something is REALLY difficult, and you can't find help for it, please e-mail me and I will tell you how (and include help for it in the next version). Once the program has loaded, you can then create or load an .RTS file for use with Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Rise of the Triad, etc. Just save it into the game's directory and use it's setup program to select the .RTS file. What's new in this version? You can now edit the filename display, which previously was read only, and you can also save credits into the RTS, so people know who wrote it and where it's from. Have fun! Adam.