====================================================================== Title : The UnOfficial Shadow Warrior Font Filename : swarrior.ttf Author : Jeff Nelson "MaNdElLa" E-mail : crisis_itod@hotmail.com Web Page : LIT By Vengance (Shadow Warrior Total Conversion) http://home.earthlink.net/~silencer007/TCWorld/ Misc. Author Info : I make Web Pages for people/companies I make art and levels for LIT By Vengance Description : This is a True Type Font. Additional Credits To : 3DRealms of course for inspiring me to make this font, to the people that made the arial font since i used that font for the symbols in my font, and to nim-nim who helped me get this font out to the public. ====================================================================== ***Installation*** First, extract the swarrior.ttf file from the zip file into and directory on your hard drive. REMEMBER THAT DIRECTORY, YOU WILL NEED IT LATER ON IN THE PROCESS. Then hit START and go to SETTINGS. Go to CONTROL PANNEL and click on it. THen double-click on FONTS. Hit "FILE>INSTALL NEW FONT". Then browse for your ttf file (which is called swarrior.ttf - but is shown as "Shadow Warrior (True Type)"). Then select it, and hit OK. That is all you have to do!!! Pretty simple 'eh? ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : Arial TTF - but that was just for the rest of the symbols, the letters and numbers were made from scratch Programs Used : Editart - to extract the pictures so i could look at what they look like Fontographer version 3.5.1 - to actually make the font. Construction Time : 4-5 Hours, stretched over like 4 days. Known Bugs/Problems : Ummm, lets see here, if you use a HUGE font size The letters look like they have corners. *Correction* - Blur the font if you use it huge, or just use the font at a smaller size * Where to get this TTF file * File location : *Wangsdojo (http://www.wangsdojo.com) *Nim-Nim's Shadow Warrior Site (http://www.geocities.com/~nimnim) ===================================================================== Important Notes ****************** This font was no way endorsed by or made by 3DRealms, so don't ask them for help with this font. I am not responsible for messing up your computer, but this shouldn't actually happen unless you got this from an unreliable source. You MAY NOT USE THIS as a base font for one of your fonts, unless you give me credit in the text file somewhere. This True Type Font is © 1998 Jeff Nelson "MaNdElLa" ======================================================================