================================================== ================================================== A Duke Nukem 3D user created level. FILENAME : house.map AUTHOR : Matt Mahoney E-MAIL : mmahoney@nfe.com DESCRIPTION : A house. I downloaded it and souped it up. Before the selection of sprites and the level as a whole was pretty bad. I added quite a number of effects and screwed around with the palette in some areas. After I was done, it turned out to be a pretty cool level ================================================== SINGLE PLAYER? : Yes DUKEMATCH? : Yes CO-OP PLAY? : No DIFFICULTY SETTINGS? : Not Implemented BASE: : Downloaded Level EDITOR USED : Build, of course KNOWN BUGS : None as of right now FOR NEW USERS : To play this level, copy the file betaone.map into your Duke Nukem 3D directory. At the command prompt, type setup, from the menu select "Select User Level". Find "betaone" in the list and hit enter to choose it. At the bottom of the menu, then select "Save and launch Duke Nukem". ================================================== "What are you waiting for, Christmas?" ==================================================