====================================================================== Title : 261.map Author : Brian Kerr E-mail : briankerr@myna.com Web Page : n\a Date : 1998 Description : yes my friends, its my first map. better than some and not as good as others. where duke has to fight his way from room to room get the key card and fight his way to the exit button. this level was made with " ATOMIC EDITION " so may not work with the first Duke Nukem game. I can be sneeky with buttons; so look around. the secrity screens will give you clues. I would very much apperceate feedback. so please e-mail me. thank you. Additional Credits to : I would like to thank the marketing genious who made the decition to include the etitor with the game. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : user level 261.map Single Player : Yes DukeMatch Level : no duke match, but co-op players are there. "NOT TESTED" Difficulty Settings : Not implemented; if you wnat to make it harder play with one arm tide behind your back. if you want to make it easer use cheat codes. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. I would not have it any other way. Editor(s) used : build of course, with the help of " Duke Nukem Extreme Comand Center " Known Bugs : I know of none. * Where to get other map files * E-Mail me. I have one other just compleated called ror453.map I would be more than pleased to shoot it back to you. I am now going to have a beer so good bye. July 3, 1998 ===========================================================================