=========================================================== Flash Flood A Small single player Duke Nukem level. =========================================================== FILENAME : a1l1.map AUTHOR : Nick Sanders E-MAIL : CaptnWanky@aol.com (feedback encouraged) HOMEPAGE : None DESCRIPTION : This is the first level in an episode that I am working on. While a bit on the short side, it does implement some cool things like water and lightning. NOTE: Requires Plutonium Pak. =========================================================== Enjoy Flash Flood! =========================================================== SINGLE PLAYER? : Yes DUKEMATCH? : No CO-OP PLAY? : No DIFFICULTY SETTINGS? : Not Implemented BASE: : From scratch EDITOR USED : Build KNOWN BUGS : There are small areas where if you try to go underwater, you end up somewhere else nearby. This is rarely fatal, heh heh...ehl... FOR NEW USERS : To play this level, copy the map file into your Duke Nukem 3D directory. At the command prompt, type setup, from the menu select "Select User Level". Find the map name in the list and hit enter to choose it. At the bottom of the menu, select "Save and launch Duke Nukem 3D". ===========================================================