====================================================================== Title :Independence Day(like the movie) File Name :e3l1.map,e3l2.map,e3l3.map,e3l4.map,e3l5.map,e3l6.map,e3l7.map Author :Jeremy Mason This is my fifth upload and my first collection but look for others likeMHouse2.map (A full sized,more detailed version of the one in the upper rightside of CityAtak.map.), some of my firt made collection of levels, CityAtak.map, Scary.map, Aliens.map, and I am working on an aircraft carrier and a Resident Evil 2 level. Email Address :JereMan916@aol.com Discription :These are all of the levels of my ID4 episode, there are seven that replace the third episode, the best are in GoodID4.zip at dukeworld if you want a shorter download. They aren't very fun but look good. Not as good as the starship troopers TC, but I made it a long time ago so what do you expect. Notes :These levels will run on all computers. ====================================================================== Single Player :Yes Dukematch :No Co-op :No Difficulty :No New Sounds :No New Graphics :No New Music :No Atomic\PPak :Yes ======================================================================= Base :From Scratch Editor :Build Build time :About a month total. Known bugs :There might be some, I don't care. Credits :I would like to thank the team at 3drealms for making such a great game and my friend Peter for helping me learn build, and to my family and friends for giving me support. Where to get this file :http:\\www.dukeworld.com\ ======================================================================= You can use this as long as you give me credit and notify me about it. THIS LEVEL IS NOT MADE OR SUPPORTED BY 3DREALMS