====================================================================== Title : Aquarium Author : Daniel Ashage E-mail : dannefire@hotmail.com Web Page : None, but I will make one soon Description : This is my third Duke level, sorry about the frame-rate, itīs quite slow and hard to play in certain places. This is a standing-alone level and one of my shortest levels ever. When Duke was on his way to the cinema with his wife and kids, some explosions triggered in a town nearby. Duke went to see what had happened, but as he arrived at the aquarium the door closed behind him and he couldīnt escape. He heard some monsters growl... This is a short but interesting level with a few secrets. Please try to play it on a pentium with the lowest graphics as it will be very slow otherwise. Additional Credits to : Special thanks to the 3DRealms group for Duke Nukem 3d. Also thanks to Ken Silverman for the great program Build which is easy to use for creating almost anything. I would also like to thank those guys who wrote those FAQ files that include more information about Build than the original 3DRealms help file does. Last but not least thanks to my sister Carina, who took her time to try out my levels and helped me to correct this text file. ====================================================================== * Play Information * !Note!: ATOMIC Edition required!!! Episode and Level # : E1L1 Single Player : Of course (tested) Cooperative 2-8 player: Yes!! (not tested) DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes!! (not tested) Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : Thereīs something ībout the aquarium that I canīt solve unless I want to destroy the whole level. If you try to go out from the aquarium through the door again some sharks may follow you out and swim in the air. If you try to look through the door at the start of the level you may see some water and some walls. If you then go into Build and look at it you may wonder why the hell this particular room is there. This is somewhat a bug and I would be glad if someone can answer this question: If you try to move an exicisting sector, as I did with some monoliths when they went wrong, off the "born" place and put it somewhere outside the real map, to make your name or something with them. Why does one part of the map, like the "strange room" in my own map, mess up and also become a part of another sector in the same map???? Do you understand the question? Well, if you do, please e-mail me in short. * Others * Size : 128 kB Build time : About 4 days. This is a nice level. Iīve spent the most time on the walkways in the air as they are made of many sprites. Try it out and if you have any comments, please e-mail me. Do what ever you want with this map as long as this TEXT FILE is INCLUDED!