================================================================ Title : Aquatic Research Center File Name : AquaRsrc.map Author : Steven Schlansker Email Address : schlanskers@yahoo.com Description : Those darn aliens just won't leave Duke alone, will they. Duke is taking a cruise in the Atlantic when suddenly the boat is jarred heavily. Duke heads up to the bridge, and finds everyone is dead and aliens are trying to force their way in! The slimers have already made it in, and Duke is sure the rest aren't far behind. Having only his trusty pistol (this was a cruise ship, remember!), Duke decides that if anyone's butt was in a place to get kicked, it was his. So, seeing the control panel was busted, he looks on the radar to see if anything was nearby. Luckily for him, there was an unmarked building right outside of the emergency airlock. Sure that the cruise ship had made a big enough hole to enter, Duke put on his scuba gear and headed out... Additional Credits to : Me, 3d Realms, me, me, "matt tagliaferri's" The Duke Nukem 3d Level Design Handbook, me, me, my brother for playtesting, and me. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Cooperative : No Dukematch : No Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Demo : No ================================================================ * Construction * Base : From Scratch Build Time : 10-20 hours Editor(s) used : DukeEdit Known Bugs : None known. ================================================================ * Running * 1) Copy User.con to your "Duke Files" folder. (Not required, but makes the level sound better...) 2) Launch Duke, and open AquaRsrc.map. ================================================================= This map can be distributed freely in its original form with this file and the walkthrough included.