===================================================================== TITLE: Assault Ten part 2a FILE NAME: Assten2a AUTHOR: Dukeness E MAIL ADDRESS: chomper@ix.netcom.com DESCRIPTION: It is almost the same as Assten.map with the following changes: No auto rpgs, both forts are more equal now, shrinkers added for better fire control inside forts, some ceiling heights were altered, doors were also altered to better suite "lag", and there are some holodukes in each fort, and 2 atomic health somewhere in the map. In case you have never seen assten.map, it is 2 forts separated by trenches and water with onlooking shooter stands. ADDITIONAL CREDITS TO: The original creator of assten.map with all of his helpers that are listed in various places in the map. ============================================================================= *PLAY INFO* SINGLE PLAY: Not app. DUKEMATCH LEVEL: Team level. DIFFUCLTY SETTINGS:Not app. *CONSTUCTION* BASE: Assten.map EDITORS USED: 3DRelm's Build Editor KNOWN BUGS: There are NO known bugs