====================================================================== Title : BlackBeard Author : Charles McIntire E-mail : CMc1223@aol.com voice phone : 515-280-8241 515-280-7862 Description : This is my fourth level. I wanted to build something different. As you will see it takes place in open areas for the most part and you will see things you may not have seen before in Duke levels. Duke is on vacation when his helicopter is shot down. He finds himself in the middle of lost islands in the middle of the ocean. It's a pirates haven full of adventure. His escape from the islands at the end will surprise you. Like I said, I wanted something different. Enter this level only if you have the courage of BlackBeard himself. This is built with the plutonium pack, so you'll need that. The level is suitable for all age groups. I enjoy receiving e-mail from Dukers and answer all mail. Let me know how you like the level. Play Info : As you will find this level takes place on islands in the middle of a poison ocean. My intentions were that you would never have to touch the poison water. To play the game correctly you have to find the keys and transport to the various islands. Don't try to cross the water! Enjoy! Additional credits to : Bruce Sparhawk who gives plenty of good advice that works. Also another Duker and his daughter who actually named this level, and had some great ideas. Thanks DrkStar88 Other builders and players who were kind enough to give it a try and let me know what they thought. * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Dukematch Level : Not implemented, Level is a little to big. Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Known bugs : Don't think so * Where to get this MAP file * All over * Other Levels * New Day Time2 Jazzy * Copyright / Permissions * Neither this map or it's accompanying text file are products of 3-D Realms, GT Interactive or any affilliates. 3-D Realms is in no way responsible for these, nor will lend support of any kind. Authors may not use this level as a base to build additional levels. Please respect the authors time and efforts in attempting to create this map. Builders may look over building technique and use the same methods for their own construction if they wish, but make your own levels please. You may distribute this map, provided that you include this text file with no modifications. You may further include it in any electronic format BBS, Diskette, CD, etc. as long as you include this text file in tact. This shall not become the exclusive property of anyone but the author, whose intention is that it be available for free. Additional Credits to : Anybody that you would like to thank for helping you, etc. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Single Player : Yes/No DukeMatch Level : Yes/No Difficulty Settings : Yes/Not implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch/Modified (Map name) Editor(s) used : Known Bugs : * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: BBS numbers: Other: ===========================================================================