============================================================================== Title : Boogyman Filename : boogyman.map Author : Christopher Brua Email Address : Cbrua@aol.com Other levels by me : NONE - Yet Background story : "Hunt and kill Baby, Hunt and kill." Level Notes : Finally Duke was released. Bitchin huh? Played for hours over the modem with my friends - couldn't get enough, and couldn't resist a challenge when they called out of the blue to go into the Duke Arena of Honor. Then I started rummaging around in that cursed build program that came on the CD. I guess all builders know what cus words are spoken when ya forget to back up your levels or you just can't get something to work right. Well, finally it's done and I don't think I'll build another for a while. This level was an attempt to make the ultimate Duke Deathmatch for two players over the modem or whatever. Pretty cool stuff. It's four corners of a city, each corner with a different theme. Single Player: No, but if somebody wants I guess I could make it one. Multi Plater: Yes, on the verge of being a little big for two players, but I like a little room to run and explore, especially if it's interesting Additional Credits to : 3dRealms. All the tutorials found on the internet. Especially the ones from Tempest. All those maps made by others so I could see how they made things work. May they be blessed with the holy words themselves - couldn't have done it without you guys. ============================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative 2-8 Player : Don't think so. Dukematch 2-8 Player : YES! Difficulty Settings : None New Sounds : None New Graphics : None New Music : None Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : Four Corners Completion time : Don't even ask or I might have to kill ya. Lets just say my girlfriend dumped me. Editor used : BUILD.EXE Known Bugs : None known. * Copyright / Permissions * Whatever, You could mail me money if you like though.