===================================================================== TITLE: Cave FILE NAME: Cave.MAP AUTHOR: Thunder E MAIL ADDRESS: cardent@quebectel.com MISC AUTHOR INFO: DESCRIPTION: Cave is a Dukematch level that take action in a cavern. Lots of guns, goodies and secrets. ADDITIONAL CREDITS TO: 3d Realm for making duke3d; Steven Spielberg, for "Indiana Jones and the Last Cruisade" ============================================================================= *PLAY INFO* EPISODE AND LEVEL: not applicable, just a user map. SINGLE PLAY: No, unless you want to look around. DUKEMATCH LEVEL: Yes DIFFUCLTY SETTINGS: Not implemented *CONSTUCTION* BASE: new level from scratch EDITORS USED: build KNOWN BUGS: none *WHERE DO I GET CAVE.MAP?* This is a stupid question unless if you only have this txt file. E-mail me.