====================================================================== Title : Chasm (chasm.map) Author : Ryan DeBraal E-mail : speed@wirural.net Web Page : Description : Chasm , the deepest point in the universe, situated in the far reaches of space, is in grave danger. The forces of the dark emperor have besieged the capital, murdered its inhabitants, and tossed the hollow shells of the inhabitants into there beloved chasm. The world is in chaos as the dark emperor has ordered a full scale attack against the remaining beings which cower in fear awaiting the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy which promises a "savior born from the atom to rescue there crippled civilization The inhabitants of Chasm were a peaceful race one that was giving and not warlike, although they beleived they could defend them selves against oncoming invader if so neccasary, yet this principle was crushed when the forces of the dark emperor entered into there once abundant world, though the treatury of the dark emperor shattered many beliefs one still held strong which kept the beings will to fight stable, and that was the beleif that the atomic hero would come and deafet the tyrants and so they waited as there would was engulfed by evil, they waited.....the call goes out for Duke Nukem Additional Credits to : 3D Realms, and the BUILD editor ====================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : Yes DukeMatch Level : No Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : built from scratch Editor(s) used : BUILD Known Bugs : There seems to be slowdown in and around the hatchery , luckly you shouldn't even have to travel there you know the location of the other RPG AMMOS, thats fine with me I hate going into the hatchery!!! I don't watch many horror movies so my mind hasn't been warped into a sponge which freely accepts great amouts of fear, I almost had to be commited because of RESIDENT EVIL.....Kidding.......maybe * Where to get this MAP file * If you have this .txt file yu probably have the level.... Other: This is the second in a trilogy called "The Saga of the Dark Emperor" ===========================================================================