=========================================================================== ADD-ON LEVEL FOR DUKE NUKEM 3-D. To use this or other add-on levels, copy it to your Duke 3-d directory, and at the dos prompt type: C:\duke3d\duke3d.exe -map .map =========================================================================== NOTE: THIS MAP REQUIRES THE ATOMIC EDITION - Version 1.4 or 1.5 of Duke Nukem 3d =========================================================================== Title : Realm of El Chupacabra Date Finished : August 2, 1997 Filename : Chupa.map Author : Bruce Sparhawk E-mail : bsparhawk@mindspring.com Web Page : none Misc. Author info :The first new map in 5 or 6 months. It seems that most every possible scenario has been developed; however, as you will see in this one, some possibilities still exist. Description : In his mini-sub, Duke has followed a lone monster through an underwater maze to what would appear to be its lair. It escaped, following a brief encounter, in which Duke was somehow paralized temporarily. Where could it have gone - and could there be even more of these creatures? El Chupacabra, or "Goat Sucker" has been the subject of myth & legend, particularly in Mexico and our American southwest, for a couple of hundred years. An elusive rascal, it strikes mostly at night at small animals and lone humans. Victims are found drained of all their blood, their bodies savaged. So far none have been captured and, while a few poor photographs exist, descriptions are sketchy at best. They are said, however, to be relentless attackers, extremely swift, with razor sharp fangs... My levels : Bfire.map, BlueSky.map, Tunnel.map, Betrayal.map, Btrayl2.map ( DM version of Betrayal ), Revenge.map, Chupa.map, TheStorm.map, October.map Additional Credits to : 3-d Realms for a great game. Thanks also to Brett Gmoser, Klaus Breuer, Steffen Itterheim & all who contributed to the documentation for the Build editor. Special thanks to Jonah Bishop for his exhaustive editions of the FAQ. =========================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : Yes! Co-op Level : Yes but not tested DukeMatch Level : Yes - tested against bots only Difficulty Settings : Not implemented Notes : If you play this map, please send comments via e-mail, whether good or bad. If I don't hear about it, I can only assume that all you have moved on to Quake, Shadow Warrior, Blood or the like, in which case I'm not apt to make any more maps. Your input is much appreciated. If you have an idea, but don't aren't inclined to use the editor, tell me about it and maybe I'll get excited about it too. Construction - Base : New level dredged out of a truly sick mind Editor(s) used : Build Time to create : Less than a week - it gets easier. Known Bugs : None =========================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Neither this map or its accompanying text file are products of 3-d Realms, GT Interactive or any affilliates. 3-d Realms is in no way respon- sible for these, nor will they lend support of any kind. Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. Please respect the author's time and efforts in attempting to create this map. If you like, study it and tear it apart to see how it was all done, but make your own levels, okay? It's often frustrating, but by now there are some really good FAQ files free to download for your instruction. You MAY distribute this map, provided that you include this text file with no modifications. You may further include it in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc.) as long as you include this text file intact. Any vendors wishing to include a statement of copyright are over-stepping the good- will shown by my freely uploading this to the internet. This shall NOT become the exclusive property of anyone but the author, whose intention is that it be available for free. =========================================================================== * Where to get this MAP file * You apparently have it! Find this and many other levels at the following sites and look for links to still more: Outpost Polaris - http://members.aol.com/actron2000/duke.htm Stals.Com - http://stals.com/duke3d/ The Adrenaline Vault - http://elitegames.com/duke3d/ Mike Miller's Web Page - http://www.rat.org/pub/duke3d/ Mecca World - http://meccaworld.com ===========================================================================