====================================================================== Title : Neighborhood *beta* (please note: I have stopped work on this file. If you want to continue it, by all means do. Just give me some of the credit.) Filename : Neighbor.map Author : Mark Bowman E-mail : balanco@mindspring.com (please don't send mail to balanco@aol.com). Files Included : Neighbor.map neighbor.bat Description : It's a very large city that is almost as big as Build's "grid" Additional Credits to : 3d Realms, for creating Duke nukem 3d and the Build editor, and my Mom for giving me the computer and software. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Dukematch Single Player : Not really. I did throw in a couple of monsters as filler (for those times you just want to kick aliens around.). Type neighbor at the dos prompt (or use Duke3d's setup program.) DukeMatch Level : Yes. Difficulty Settings : none Originally designed for : 8 players New music: : Nope Comments : Basicly, this level is a city. There are several buildings that are 4 stories (true stories) tall as well as a 7 story "apartment" building, a sewer, a flooded passwageway that connects some of the smaller buildings, a warehouse (which I am in the process of building), and I am planning to build an interesting looking promenade (If you were wondering what that strange hole in in the ground is for, that is it. Hopefuly I will get it fixed soon :) Finaly, I recommend a fast 486 or Pentium for this level (this is due to the number of sprites in some areas). * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build time : Forever, and I am still far away from completion. (If you are wondering why I am releasing it now, it's because I've been dying to share it with the public, and I want some feedback and suggestions for it (send e-mail to the address above.) Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : (scince this is a beta, there are several bugs, though none of them have much of an effect on game play) When you move beyond the "bus stop" near the level wall,the buildings appear to flash in and out of existance. This area will probaly be walled off in the final version if I can't fix it. Also, you might see some strange HOM (hall of mirrors) effects when looking up/down some of the staircases at certain angles (this is especialy true when looking up the staircase in the "sewer access" room). One of my buildings suffers the same effect when looking through the doorway /window from the outside. Finaly, the building with the wooden wall infront of the doorway appears to be slightly corrupted (you'll see the hall of mirrors effect when walking through some of the doorway, though movement dosen't seem to be impaired). I don't recommend using this building in your own levels. Authors MAY use the buildings in their own levels provided I receive some of the credit. You may also distribute this archive provided it is not modified in any way. Disclaimer: This level is not made and is not supported by 3d Realms in any way.