This level is for highly skilled dukers only who love high cliffs, live for action, and want a challange. This map has huge huge canyons, and nothing in this level touches the ceiling. You need more than one jetpack to climb the cliffs, and enemys are everywhere. The ending is pretty cool, (clue, i haven't figured the doors and endtags) and it's non-stop action. Devestators the main weapon, but you have to use the right weapon on the right enemy. Good luck, you'll need it. Save alot, there's always a guy on your back. P.S. Pit of death! This level is very very good for adding your own junk! This level is also dedicated to my penguin friend Clay Robert Smith, the biggest Duke3d fan. This level has been updated, and maybe now you can't add much to it. But hey, it's much much much better.