====================================================================== Title : Claymore2 (Second in a series of 4) Author : Donald E. Barnard E-mail : Viking1040@aol.com Special notice : YOU MUST HAVE DUKE NUKEM ATOMIC EDITION OR PLUTONIUM PAK TO RUN MAP! Description : Industrial underground, complete with mutiple subways and businesses. Designed for deathmatch, large 2 player level, outstanding for network play. Make sure to enable "Monsters" in setup for extra fun. Imagine the fun of seeing your buddy hiding behind a barrel, shooting it, and seeing a "Shredder" appear and begin to mangle their flesh. You might not get credit for the kill, but they won't have that nasty rocket launcher anymore, either. LOTS of dark, hidey holes and corners, some secrets and a really scary sewer system. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TIME TO ENJOY THE SCENERY! (Which is really a shame). Additional Credits to : John Ratcliff, Jim Jennings, and Vilma (The Butcher) Garcia. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Claymore2 -DEATHMATCH- Single Player : No (Except for practice). DukeMatch Level : YES! Difficulty Settings : Depends on your opponent. * Construction * Base : Entirely new map from scratch. Editor used : Build Build time : Over 120 hours.(No, I'm not married, why do you ask?) Known Bugs : Squished all the ones I ever knew. Rewards : Perhaps someone will like this map so much, that they will send me a box of Havanas.(Cohiba Esplendido or Monte Christo Churchills). I would think that they were really cool, and include their name in "Claymore3" which is scheduled for an August'97 release. Other notes : No Nukebutton is provided as this map is for deathmatch only. Rockets ARE influenced by passing over moving trains. Make sure you know which manholes have been blown out, or you could find yourself in the sewer for a long time. If you play with "No Monsters" you will really be missing out on alot of the fun, also, your friends will begin to call you a "sissy", they will be right. This map is entirely new, feel free to use any ideas from it for your own constructions. I have tried to maintain some sense of realism in the layout of this map, for this reason, I have not included many of the special effects available with "Build", while they have their place in single player gameplay, I felt that in deathmatches they can be more of a distraction. The excitement here is produced by being hunter or hunted, surprise, and anticipation. If you are lucky, as I am, to enjoy your deathmatches with truly skillful, (even if somewhat sneaky) opponents, this map will provide many hours of terror and joy. I would enjoy hearing from those who enjoyed playing this map, please inform me of any bugs or faults you may run across. Also, if you havent played "Claymore" yet, give it a try, set on a starship, it was designed for challenging single player action, the design and detail are comparable to this map. Above all, enjoy! For an added challenge, shoot barrels and jump around on stacked boxes, be ready for action. ===========================================================================