C L O C K T O W E R -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Title : Clock Tower Author : RocketBoy E-mail : tomw@earthlink.net Web Page : http://www.earthlink.net/~tomw The Setting : Clock Tower was inspired by and is loosely based upon the infamous sniper killing spree of Charles Whitman at the University of Texas clock tower 30 years ago. I searched the web for pictures of this clock tower to help me duplicate the structure. Unfortunately there weren't many available and those few that I found were grainy black and white scans. So I did my best to very roughly duplicate the structure for this map. If you would like to know more about this fateful day in history, here are the web sites that I used to research the map: http://www.io.com/~combs/htmls/charles.html http://mac31.tsp.utexas.edu/webtexan/tower2/ http://www.austin360.com/news/07july/29/whitpop2.htm http://www.startext.net/news/doc/1047/1:STATE33/1:STATE33073096.html http://www.utexas.edu/tours/vrc/top/closed.html The Story : On August 1, 1966, after murdering his wife and his mother, Charles Whitman killed the employees of the clock tower and barricaded himself on the tower's observation deck, armed to the teeth with weapons, ammo and supplies. He used the drainage holes in the tower's observation deck to snipe at people on the ground while dodging police fire coming at him from the ground. The police could not hit him from below or get through his barricade for over 90 minutes while he shot 46 innocent people, killing 15 of them, wounding the other 31. As a former marine sharpshooter he was able to hit people from extreme distances. A couple of the people he shot were so far away (about 1000 yards) they didn't even hear the shot that hit them being fired. The police were finally able to break through the barricade to the top of the tower and shoot him dead. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "I don't really understand myself these days. I am supposed to be an average, reasonable and intelligent young man. However, lately (I can't recall when it started) I have been a victim of many unusual and irrational thoughts...." -- Charles Whitman, letter, July 31 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When I learned of this incident, as horrible as it was, I decided it would make a nice dukematch level. I designed it in such a way that one person can barricade themself in the clocktower and snipe on other players below while they attempt to fire back and/or breach the clock tower barricades. Your Mission : This is dukematch only. Player one is Charles Whitman, beginning atop the clocktower with many weapons, much health and ammo, a box of donuts, and a prime sniper position from where he can easily take out any unwary foes below. Additional players are scattered throughout the rest of the map on the ground. As master of the clock tower your mission is to fortify and maintain your barricade within the clock tower so as to secure your prime sniper position. You have partial control of the elevator door locks and the front gate, and you have many weapons at your disposal including trip mines and pipe bombs to lay traps for those trying to break into your fortress. As a player outside the clock tower, your mission is to bust open the clock tower barricade and fight your way in and kill the master of the clock tower, assuming his position therein and reaping the benefits of same with copious amounts of weapons, ammo and health, and a prime sniper position. The front door of the clock tower is barred by a gate. Kneel down and shoot between the bars to hit the button on the front desk that opens the gate. Once inside the clock tower lobby, there are a couple of ways to get to the top. First of all there are two elevators, locate the switches to unlock the elevator doors (behind the front desk) to gain access. Secondly, there is a secret entrance that if you find it will take you to a high place where you can jump down onto the clocktower's middle deck. There are 4 low buildings around the map that you can get on top of using my patented "Jump Zones" located behind each building. Each building has a different high-powered weapon on top, hidden in the air conditioning vents. To use a jump zone, step upon the jump zone square and either crouch down or jump up. I find the jump zones easier to use by crouching down as I am running towards one and then moving onto it while crouched. Try not to move around in mid air while using a jump zone or strange stuff might happen to you. (Most of the time you'll just fall out of the teleport loop to one side, but sometimes you'll get caught in the loop the wrong way and either get killed or stuck in a perpetual up and down situation.) Secrets? : There are a couple of secrets in the map, some of which may take you to a nice little sniper spot of your own, giving you an advantage over other players and an equal footing with the master of the clock tower without having to breach his barricade. Not really a secret, but kinda cool, you will find a couple of PC's in the map sitting on desks. If you hop up on the desk and click the PC you'll find that they are surfing the web with Nukescape and logged onto one of my favorite web sites! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Got up that morning calm and cool, He picked up his guns and went to school. All the while he smiled so sweetly, And it blew their minds completely, They'd never seen an Eagle Scout so cruel." -- "The Ballad of Charles Whitman," Kinky Friedman -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * Play Information * Episode and Level # : e8-1l66 Single Player : Nope Co-Op Level : Nope DukeMatch Level : Yes indeed Difficulty Settings : n/a * Construction * Base : Brand spankin' new level from scratch! Editor(s) used : That one build thingy Known Bugs : Admittedly the jump zone thingys are a little buggy. Use them as instructed and you shouldn't have any problems. Also, firing into a jump zone with a rpg or shrinker while kneeling down will cause your projectile to warp up high as it passes through the jump zone. So when firing at people near a jump zone don't kneel down. Construction Notes : I lost track of what # map this is but its the one I did after hell-o-ween. Actually Shell Shock shoulda been finished first but I got kinda sidetracked on this map here so Shell Shock ain't done yet, but look for it soon. This map has actually been done for the most part for over a month now save for a few small details. Problem was that I (guilty confession...) started playing Quake and have been totally hooked on Quake deathmatches on the net, especially CTF for the last month or so. I wish Dukematch CTF took off like it has for Quake, but aside from my own Pimp Wars I haven't seen any other CTF maps for Duke. Of course it isn't as easy to do with Duke as it is for Quake because you can't use the keys in Dukematch with Duke. Bummer because CTF is a blast. Anyway, the Quake novelty is starting to wear off slightly and I went back and finished off this map finally and here it is. Now I gotta get with it and get me the Plutonium Pack and get started on some maps with the new build. Can't wait to get back in the swing of things with duke mapping now that the Quake addiction is subsiding in me a bit. Most notable thing in this map as far as construction notes go is my latest invention, (if you could call it that, ha!) "jump zones". When I first got this idea I almost instantly dismissed it as stupid and pointless. Why make a player simu-jump somewhere when you could simply use a teleport or an elevator to get him there? But then I figured, 3DRealms didn't give duke any superjump feature, so it might just be fun to simulate super jumps. So just for the hell of it I made a jump zone and tried it out and I liked it. It was really kinda fun and made me laugh when I sailed up and over the building and landed on it with a thud and a "ummph". Hence, a new method of transporting the player was invented, my patented Jump Zone technology! I hope you find them as fun to use as I do. To make them even funner to use I added some zany sound effects to them. Some boing, sproing type sounds, and one of them has a cool bionic sound effect. Just be sure to copy the voc files that came with the map into your duke3d directory to be able to hear them. The construction of a "jump zone" is fairly simple; consisting merely of a series of teleport SE's lined up bottom to top that pick up and drop the player a little bit with each successive interaction with an SE until the player reaches the top. No big whoop. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ** Copyright / Permissions ** This map contains the original copyrighted ideas and works of RocketBoy. Authors MAY NOT use CLOKTOWR.MAP as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute CLOKTOWR.MAP, provided that you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute CLOKTOWR.MAP in any electronic format (BBS,Diskette,CD,etc.) as long as you include this text file intact. You MAY include CLOKTOWR.MAP in any compilation. You may not alter the level in any way except the minor change of the map number. THIS MAP IS NOT MADE BY OR SUPPORTED BY 3D REALMS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: BBS numbers: Other: You can get it on my cheap wannabe web page and definetely on Lazer's Beam and maybe Ten's filefactory and perhaps some other sites. Dunno 'cuz I haven't sent it anywhere yet. But if you're reading this then you already have it, so.... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-