================================================================ Title : COC.MAP (City of Carnage) Author : Herb Myers Jr. (Metal Marine) Email Address : hjm119@psu.edu (e-mail me with all of your gushing praise! Uh, you can gripe too...) Misc. Author Info : Starting my third year at Penn State University where I am pursuing a degree in CET (Computer Engineering Technology). Am also an avid gamer and hope to one day make the coolest game ever. Haven't quite had the time to start on this yet but it's comming :). Description : After noticing a huge lack of quality DukeMatch levels that are on the reg version of Duke 3D (exception of Freeway which rocks), I decided to go about the task of designing a level that my friend and I would enjoy playing. The result is coc.map: City of Carnage. This level includes all of the things that make Duke 3D one of the coolest games of all time: slopes, billboards, glass, mirrors, cool lighting effects, demo cameras, maskable walls, transparency, and two sprite bridges. My friend and I averaged about 20-25 frags each for a 20 min game. That's works out to about a frag every 30 seconds, which means that it's definately not boring. If you are sick of the numerous Doom wad conversions being done for Duke 3D (if you want to play Doom levels then play them on Doom already!) then I think you will be very pleased with this level. Additional Credits to : Apogee(3D Realms) - finally they made a cool game...heh. Ernie Miller (Death Dealer) - beta tester and general suggestion-giver-guy. Has also been rumored to be my best friend but this hasn't been confirmed yet. Check out Ernie's web page at http://it.pulsenet.com/~emiller. One word of caution; if you don't like Doom II, then don't even bother going here. Lisa Black - my fiance. She always lets me play PC games......uh....yeah. Just kidding! Put that RPG down! Brett Gmoser - for his Map Editing FAQ. If you would like to receive his FAQ, which includes a coprehensive tutorial and maps to go along with each section, then visit his web page at http://gramercy.ios.com/~gmoser/duke3d/ Additional Comments : The included demo is a 15 minute frag fest of Ernie and I Duke'n it out (pun intended). I am in the red pants and Ernie is in the blue. Keep in mind that anytime you see the view switch to first-person that this is Ernie's view. This happens because he was the 'server' (he has a Pentium 120 while I only have a 'crusty old' Pentium 60...blah). The use of this demo isn't exactly 'user- friendly', Apogee's fault not mine :). To watch the demo: 1) Copy or rename coc.map to E1L1.map. Make sure that it is kept in the Duke directory. 2) Copy or rename coc.dmo to demo1.dmo. Make sure that it is kept in the Duke directory. 3) Run Duke 3D as usual and the demo will load and play when the menu appears. Just hit escape once to get rid of the menu so you can see the destruction in all of its splendor. Also, if you want to record a demo with my level: 1) Copy or rename coc.map to E1L1.map. Make sure that it is kept in the Duke directory. 2) Run setup.exe. Make you connection (modem, LAN, etc.). DO NOT PICK A LEVEL IN SETUP! I made this mistake when I was trying to record the demo and it caused problems. 3) When you get into the game, go to options and set record to on. Duh. 4) Select E1L1 from the level select. It will say that you are starting Hollywood Hollocaust but COC.MAP will start instead. I'm not trying to be pretentious here, but this was a real pain in the butt to figure out and I wanted to save you the heartache. Hopefully Apogee will fix the way that demos are recorded and played in a future patch. Maybe using a command-line approach similar to Doom's? I do recomend that you take the time to watch the demo to see where the secrets are. This text file is getting way too long! I'm gonna shut up now. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1L1 Single Player : No (admire the beautiful scenery!) DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes!!! Woo Hoo!!! Difficulty Settings : Not implemented New Sounds : No New Music : No New Graphics : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Used Freeway as my inspiration. Build Time : About 30 hrs. over a one month period. Editors used : Uh..let's see...Build? Known Bugs : Not really a bug but a lack a forethought on my part. When you get to the top of the parking lot, where the huge billboard is, there is a demo camera on that back wall. If have a jet pack and fly to the top of the billboard, then the camera will point straight up at the ceiling. This is the only time that this bug occurs and it's really just an annoyance (it won't affect anything if you don't record the demos either). I considered getting rid of the camera but the battles around the billboard just looked too cool. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels, provided they give me credit in their text file and/or include this text file with their modified version. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. If this map is distributed on CD-ROM or some other manner, then I would like to be notified by e-mail so I can pick up a copy. Or you can be kind enough to send me one . * Where to get this MAP * Well, you already have it, so this question is pretty lame eh? Maybe it will end up on PC Gamer's CD-ROM.