============================================================================== Title : DESOLATION STATION File Name : STATION.MAP Author : AGAMEMNON (Jonathan Johnson) Email Address : Psyclone@netvoyage.net Misc. Author Info : Author of this and many other levels. Before Nukem came out I made many DOOM 2 and HERETIC levels. I've been making levels for years now! I plan on making many other levels and possibly writing text files giving help on how to use Build, Editart, and how to hack the .CON files. Please pass my level around to friends, BBS's, Web Pages, or any other place you want (with this text file included and unmodified!). I'll feel cool if I browse the internet one day and find a level of mine on someone elses web page! :) Description : Very detailed level for dukematch. It consists of two main areas. The first area is an underground subway station. Directly above the station is an outside area with a freeway and two sewage cannals. There was recently an earthquake which caused a section of the freeway to fall on top of the cannals. The level includes every weapon and all of the important items (no need for boots). There are no mosters and no exit to the level. Additional Credits to : The Duke Nukem Crew! ============================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1 Single Player : To check it out. DukeMatch Level : YES!!!! Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. (3 days.) Editor(s) used : Build, duh. Known Bugs : I am surprised that I haven't found any. I thought it would get pissed at me for trying to overlap so many sectors but it seems to work fine. * Where to get this MAP file * Why is this section here? I don't get it. If you are reading this then you must ether have the level already or it's very close by. There's probably a REALY obvious reason why this section is here. I just haven't found it yet. ? :( ?