============================================================================ DEVIL.MAP This is my first attempt at a duke nukem level. I hope you enjoy playing it. You will notice that the level shape is in the shape of an up-side-down cross. I like to call this one "The Devil Level." Please e-mail me (address below) with any thoughts, ideas, or comments. There are a few hidden secrets in the level. See if you can find them. And most importantly, kill your friends! FILENAME : devil.map AUTHOR : Drew Chiaro (Twig) E-MAIL : rage@harmless.winternet.com HOMEPAGE : http://members.tripod.com SINGLE PLAYER? : Not Really DUKEMATCH? : OH YEAH CO-OP PLAY? : Not Really DIFFICULTY SETTINGS? : Not Implemented BASE: : New level from scratch EDITOR USED : Build FOR NEW USERS : To play this level, copy the file devil.map into your Duke3d directory. At the command prompt, type setup, from the menu select "Select User Level". Find "devil" in the list and hit enter to choose it. At the bottom of the menu, select "Save and launch Duke Nukem". ==========================================================