====================================================================== Title : Dark Forces Duke Nukem Version 2 Author : Tim Smulders E-mail : smulders@iconn.net Web Page : http://www.iconn.net/smulders Release Date : 12/11/96 Description : Multiplayer-Coop Dark Forces using Duke engine. Single player level as well. Additional Credits to : Thanks to Alexei Novikov for doing the conversion programming and for making the gob2art program. ====================================================================== * Updates From Version 1.0 * Made it work for Coop play. gob2art.exe has been updated. * Note * Remember, if you want to play others over the internet using Kali, stop by the Rapid Ramp server Sunday nights at 8 Eastern Time. If your ping to Rapid Ramp is high, you can always switch to server mode or a different server once you have arranged a game. If you do not see the Rapid Ramp server on your list in kali, make sure to update your server list. You will find that the Probe Droid, Interrogation Droid, and Boosk show up in coop and multi-player. This is because they are reprogrammed from the trash can, cacooned woman, and wooden horse. Duke does not consider these enemies so they show up in all game modes. Use them sparingly when making a multi-player DF level. * Instructions * Follow these instructions to the letter. You will need 42.1 MB of disk space. 1. First, make a copy of your Duke3D directory. That's right, make a copy and rename the directory to DFDuke3d. Don't have the room? Your bummin. Many files are going to be added to Duke3d so getting your original setup back will be difficult. Best to make a copy. 2. Make a new directory, call it unziptemp, you can delete this directory when you are done. 3. The following files are in dfduke20.zip. dfduke20.map dfduke20.txt Extract these 2 files to your unziptemp directory. 4. Get the latest version of gob2art.zip at -- http://userwww.service.emory.edu/~anoviko/dl.html or http://www.muzik.com/ryloth/ The following files are in the gob2art.zip. defs.con user.con names.h logics.wdf kyle.wax Gob2art.exe game.con duke.wdf vocs.wdf Extract these 9 files to your unziptemp directory. 5. Now run gob2art.exe. Ok, now stretch the program window so you can see what you are doing. Starting at the top.... A. In the "input map:" field, select "dfduke20.map" found in your unziptemp directory. It should read C:\unziptemp\dfduke20.map (or whatever drive you are working on). Click on the ... tab to browse for the file. B. In the "Save as map:" field, use the ... tab to switch to your new DFDuke3d directory. Enter dfduke20.map as the file name. It should read as C:\DFDuke3d\dfduke20.map (or whatever drive you are working on). C. In the "Convert" box, all three choices (Sounds, Graphics, Copy CON files) should be checked. D. In the "Duke3D.grp" field, enter the path to the Duke3D.grp in your DFDuke3D directory. Use ... to browse. Your Dark Forces Directory will not be altered in any way.... E. In the "Sounds.gob" field, enter the path to your Dark Forces Sounds.gob file (In your Dark Forces directory or on your Dark Forces CD in the Dark directory, depending on how you have DF installed). F. In the "Textures.gob" field, enter the path to your Dark Forces Textures.gob file (In your Dark Forces directory or on your Dark Forces CD in the Dark directory, depending on how you have DF installed). G. In the "Sprites.gob" field, enter the path to your Dark Forces Sprites.gob file (In your Dark Forces directory or on your Dark Forces CD in the Dark directory, depending on how you have DF installed). H. Click on "GO." 1. When informed that game.con already exists, ok to overwrite? Click yes. 2. When informed that user.con already exists, ok to overwrite? Click yes. 3. When informed that defs.con already exists, ok to overwrite?, Click yes. 5. When it stops, close gob2art. 6. You can now delete your unziptemp directory. 7. You are now ready to play. Use the dfduke20.map as you would any other Duke Nukem add on map. Run setup.exe, then choose Select User Level, then choose dfduk20.map, then choose Save and launch Duke Nukem 3D. If you want to use dfduke20.map for multi-player (the reason it was made), you will have to go into network game....etc...etc...etc... 8. Send your feedback, suggestions, problems, questions...to Tim Smulders smulders@iconn.net * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Single Player : Yes DukeMatch Level : Yes (Kyle Match) Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Wdfuse & Build Known Bugs : Nope, but let me know if you find any. * Where to get this MAP file * http://www.iconn.net/smulders The home of my Dark Forces custom levels: Distribution Center -- Dist15.zip Space Port -- sport10.zip and sportmod.zip Imperial Mine -- impmin10.zip Ice World -- icewld20.zip And my Duke Nukem Duke Match level -- Be Dammed! bedammd1.zip And the first Multiplayer Dark Forces Level -- df duke! dfduke20.zip =====================================================================