================================================== Title :DukeMatch City Filename :dmcity.map Author Name :Brett MacFadyen Email Address :dwm@mis.nb.ca Description :This is a duke match level based in a city that has a park, an out-of-order subway, and a few buildings which have some good secrets. This is my first level so please send comments, good or bad. Additional Credits :Matt MacInnis ================================================== * Play Information * Single Player :No Dukematch :YES, best with 2-5 players Difficulty Settings:Not implemented * Construction * Base :New level from scratch Editor(s) used :Build Known bugs :Cant jump into dumpster head on Hours :Somewhere around 12 * Copyright/Permissions * Authors may not use this level as a base for other level without permission from me, Brett MacFadyen. You may distribute dmcity.map in any form as long as this text with no modifications is included with dmcity.map.