Title: Run_!! Filename: Run_!!.map Author: Jello_hd (<{{ˇˇthe one and onlyˇˇ}}>) em@il @ddress: jello_hd@hotmail.com Level notes: Fairly small map, fought on narrow causeways/bridges with certain death on a wrong step....! Fall down a certain pit, though, and fall in the water somewhere in the bottom, and you find something special. Teleporters on all ends to transport to any corner of the map<(they can confuse someone chasing you very easily)> Additional credits to: NOBODYY!!!!! I taught myself how to do everything from the help file. NO EXAMPLES USED!! Well, I have to thank 3D Realms for the game... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *Play Information* Single player: no Cooperative 2-8: no dukematch 2-8: yeah, but I guess you will have to put oin their starting places Difficulty settings: none, but have fun finding the camera console! New sounds: no New graphics: no New music: no Demos replaced: none *Construction* Base: started from scratch Completion time: 2 hours straight, but still revising Editor used: Build.exe Known bugs: none *Copyright/Permissions* go ahead and use this as a base for another level, I don't care