************************************************************ Title: The Gantlet Filename: doom2l3.map Author: Philipp Spahn E-Mail address: - Description: This is the first level I've made for Duke Nukem. I didn't create it from scratch. Because I liked DOOM 2 so much and spent hours with my friend playing the level The Gantlet in Death-Match, I decided to convert this level into Duke. I built this map almost half a year ago now, but since I can't use the Internet very often, I couldn't upload it yet. Now finally I found a possibility. Misc. Author Info: Well, I'm from Geramany, I'm pupil and 15 yerars old. I don't think that anything more about me would be very interesting right now. Other Levels: I created two another maps already and I think they're both much better than my first one. Probably I'll upload them as well soon. Thanks to: - 3D Realms for one of the best games ever - Ken Silverman for the BUILD editor - Brett Gmoser and Jonah Bishop for their excellent FAQ's ************************************************************* Play Information: Episode and Level #: - (modified DOOM 2 level) Single Player: Yes Co-op: Yes (but not that fun since my level isn't very hard!) Duke-Match: Yes (can be lots of fun with 2-4 players!) Difficulty Settings: Not implemented PPAK required: No New Art/Music/ Sound Effects/Demos: No Where to get this file: http://www.elitegames.com ************************************************************* Construction: Base: Modified level from DOOM 2 (The Gantlet) Level Editor used: BUILD (surprise, surprise!) Construction time: about one week Known Bugs: None ************************************************************** Final Notes: I hope you enjoy my level (at least a little bit....). Watch out for the other stuff I've made. **************************************************************