DUKE NUKEM AUTHORING TEMPLATE V1.0 =============================================== TITLE: ALIEN INVASION (how original) FILE NAME: invade99.map AUTHOR: Charles Dean E-MAIL ADDRESS: dean_charles@hotmail.com MISC AUTHOR INFO: DESCRIPTION: A medium sized map. I reccomend a pentium. Duke is going home to one of his many houses and is chased by cop cars. He can't remember doing anything to deseve this. When he gets to his house the aliens are back and have taken over his house. Play this level to see what happens after that. I spent way too much time making this map. I put a heck of a lot of detail into the house. Let me know what you think. ADDITIONAL CREDITS TO: ================================================ *PLAY INFORMATION* EPISODE AND LEVEL # : no SINGLE PLAYER : Y E S ! DUKEMATCH LEVEL : yes, if you get rid of some of the monsters DIFFICULTY SETTINGS : no *CONSTRUCTION* BASE : build EDITOR(S)USED : build KNOWN BUGS : a few minor ones, nothin big FTP SITES : hmmmm? BBS NUMBERS : kmmmm? OTHER: D O N ' T U S E T H E C H E A T C O D E S !!! MAKE SURE YOU GO IN EVERY ROOM. THE LEVEL ISN'T VERY HARD. DON'T RUSH THROUGH THE LEVEL. POWER-UPS AND WEAPONS ARE KINDA HIDDEN.