Kongwar may be edited again by anyone who pleases as long they do not know lie act like a punk and say THEY MADE IT. KINGKONG (Carlos Morales) made Kongwar out of the goodness of his heart so fellow dukers may enjoy the game even further. ___---====Kongwar is made for Dukematch and Dukematch play only.====----____ ___---====there are no monsters in Kongwar. ====----____ ___---====Kongwar can whithstand up to 8 players at once but...no more!!====----____ || // ------- ||\ || //-----|| ||// | || \ || || ||\\ | || \ || || ___ || \\ ------- || \|| \\___|| || // //----\\ ||\\ || //-----|| ||// || || || \\ || || ||\\ || || || \\ || || ___ || \\ \\______// || \\|| \\___||