========================================================================== Title : The mad city, version 1.1 Author name : Sebastian "MADDOG" Kleinschmager Filename : madv11.zip (the zip archive) madv11.map madv11.txt Email Address : juermad@t-online.de (Please E-mail me what you think!) Misc. Author Info : I'm a great 3d shooter fan, and I like deathmatching very much. Maybe I meet you someday at TEN or QUAKE- World... Description : A big city with tons of details, nice alleys, a swimming-bath, and many other things. There's one cool thing, which makes coop play very difficult and interesting : you can only die once, even in multiplay. The Story : Duke wakes up some morning, when a message flackers up on his screen : " Help, the city is being attacked, and our marines can't stop the big invasion army. In a few minutes we are all dead. Please help us. The aliens also sent an attack force to your house, so be careful. I'll try to escape into the sewers, but I have little hope, T'was nice to be your friend, MIKE " BULLSHIT, Duke shouts, Mike was a friend for many years. How could he and his specially trained space marines fail ? I will revenge your dead, Mike ! He draws his pistol and prepares for fight, when a big explosion roars. Maybe his friend in the other room survived the attack (only in COOP). Together they will be much stronger. Hint : If you find out where in the level MIKE isand if you tell me his exact position, I'll send you the newest version of my Dukematch map. Other Files by author: EXTREME.MAP, a dukematch arena. Additional Credits to : 3D REALMS, MONLITH, ID, LUCASARTS and George Lucas =========================================================================== *Play Information* This level needs a fast computer. It's really hard for the unexperienced dukers, but should be no problem for the elite. Single Player : YES, go for the challenge ! COOP : YES, but only 2 players. Dukematch : NO, too big Difficulty Settings : N/A *Construction* Base : New level from scratch Editor used : Build known bugs : 1. the parallaxing sky is yellow at some parts 2. if too much things are destroyed at the same time, the game will hang. It's because of the many sprites I used. Version History : ----------------------------------------------------------------- Changes from 1.00 to 1.01: -there was a big bug, because after testing, the start position was at the wrong place. -I resized some Sprites. -non-aligned textures on the cinema wall are now aligned -the game should play the ambient sound in the big streets now some more times, not only once. -Added file and autor name into the map. Changes from 1.01 to 1.05 (never released, only for internal testing): -the door near the end of the level should work now. -more aligned walls. -in the bathroom at the beginning, the window now shows a parallaxing city tile. Changes from 1.05 to 1.1: -added to new big areas, one dangerous, one not so dangerous. -moved a touchplate into another sector, because it wasn't always triggered (the sector was too small), it should work now always. -I realigned all textures in the level (I hope that I found all). -some Sprites removed, to keep the game from crashing too often. -removed some C-9 from the blowing elevator, as some players never survived the explosion. -if you were diving at the pool in the swimming-bath, you fell from the sector's cieling, this should be fixed now. Again, if you find any other bugs, e-mail me. * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY NOT change this MAP, ask for my permission first, I want a little respect. You MAY distribute this MAP, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.