This level was made for deathmatch. For only two players. It was made by me (Benjamin Lenzi/ and Mark Jergen ( ============================================================================= Title : New Filename : New.MAP Author : Benjamin Lenzi and Mark Jergen Email Address : Look to the top of the dirty text. Misc. Author Info : Blablabla Additional Credits to : 3drealms for the cool game and the super editor and to my granmother who is fat!!! ============================================================================= * Play Information * Single Player :nope DukeMatch :Yes 2 Players Cooperative :No New Sounds :No New Graphics :No New Music :No * Construction * Base : New Level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : One small tiny dirty asssucking find it self * Copyright / Permissions * You mustn't use this coooooool level for make your own sucking shit levels.