============================================================================= Title : NUKE CITY Filename : nukecity.map Author : Alan Bellows Email Address : abellows@burgoyne.com Misc Info. : Includes TILES006.ART and alangame.con, alanuser.con, alandefs.con, and nukecity.bat. New enemy replaces LIZTROOP. New ART and CON files aren't necessary to play map, but it makes things more... interesting. Additional : Steroids now make player invisible, but knocks about 40-60 percent off of the health. Player occasionally resurrects, like LIZTROOP, but with only 1 health. Fellow players explode when stomped. Description : Ever played a Dukematch without a modem or network? Hehe. Welcome to Hell. Make yourself at home. Additional Credits : I'd like to thank my mama, and Elvis. ============================================================================= * Play Information * Single Player : YES DukeMatch level : YES Difficulty Settings : Implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Editors Used : BUILD Known Bugs : Manholes into sewer can act wierd. ============================================================================= Permission granted for NON-COMMERCIAL distribution, provided that NUKECITY.MAP is unaltered, and that this text file is included and unaltered. Commercial distribution to be allowed ONLY with author's permission. This map may NOT be used as a base for your own levels. "Duke Nukem" is a registered trademark of Apogee, Ltd. Apogee does not provide technical support for this map. Alan Bellows (abellows@burgoyne.com) ============================================================================= NOTE: I don't recommend using these CON files on maps with a lot of LIZTROOPERS, as each one will be changed to the new, much harder, enemy.