Title : Uniquer Filename : Uniquer.map Author : Brian Davis *Play Information* Single Player - Yes DukeMatch - No (But you can add easily) Co-Op - Yes Difficulty Levels - No *Words From Brian* This is my revised version of Unique.map and I've worked on it for a while. Parts of it are stupid, but for the major part, it's a pretty good level. Keep watch out for my next map that I'll upload here. It'll be a much better level. Feel free to take any part of this level, or use it as a base, or update it. *Known Bugs* Well, water seems to act up quite a bit on me, so don't mess around with the water in here. Also the subway can be pretty weird at times, so just walk if you have to.I've also had parralaxing problems. *Construction* Editors - Build Base - New From Scratch *Thanks To...* All those guys that put all that time into making those HUGE!! faqs, like Duke Addict, Brett Gmoser, Matt Bollier, Craig Hubbard, and Tempest. And to my Bro. for helping me through some wierd flaws in my level.