Wolf-Pack 1.3 Duke3d 1.4/ 1.5 by Wolf ice-wolf@geocities.com http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Lair/5827/ Be sure to visit my webpage for more downloads, and info on a TC I'm working on. This level pack features 6 single/co-op levels, 2 dukematch and new music. The co-op levels allow up to 5 people to play. Water Caves allows 5 dukematchers, and Vents allows 8. There are no difficulty levels, I never use them, so neither can you. The amount of enemies is akin to the 3rd dif. level. Weapon: This includes an Assault Rifle I made, it replaces the chaingun. Levels: Assault on EDF Fight your way through EDF offices Secret Area 51 The goverments secret underground base Prison Break into a maxium security prison Starport Hijaack a spacecraft Round and round we go Hijaack a spacecraft (secret level) Star 101 Abandon ship, and take over your attacker's Water Caves An network of underwater caves Vent A massive city connected by tons of ventilation shafts. This map is HUGE. Files: ** most of these files are in wolf13.grp ** tiles009.art mp5fire.wav wolf.con wgame.con commando.map area51.map prison13.map starport.map round.map star101.map wtrcaves.map vent.map iflove.mid sin.mid eyetigr.mid 859theme.mid rip054.mid rip058.mid wolf13.txt wolf.bat Vent.map is the first level I made. Revisions: 1.3 Fixed some SERIOUS bugs in Starport Made a .grp file so you don't have a million files in you directory, and you can also play regular duke. 1.2 Some textures fixed Batch file install/uninstall Bugs: The swinging doors in EDF will occasionally squish you Installation: Unzip in you duke3d directory, and run wolf.bat Then, go into Duke3d, and chose Wolf-Pack 1.2 To play regular duke, just run duke3d.exe E-mail me and tell what you think about the pack. Questions, comments, bug reports, suggestions, etc...