*NEW DUKE NUKEM 3D v.1.3d CONFIGURATIONS* This zip file is for the advantage1.0 settings This zip file contains the following files: user.bak \ defs.bak | ORIGINAL CON FILE BACKUP game.bak / gore.con \ freeze.con | explode.con | NEW CON FILE CONFIGURATIONS strong.con | camera.con | all.con / freeze.bat \ explode.bat | gore.bat | BAT FILES TO CHANGE & UNDO SETTING strong.bat | camera.bat | all.bat / info.txt --- THIS FILE The undo.bat will undo any changes in the con files by reloading the original copies. Explode.bat will make all bomb blasts stronger very muvh or enough. Strong.bat will make Duke stronger and carry more objects. Gore.bat will increase the blood and guts, this is my favorite. Freeze.bat will make the change that enhances bouncing by about 80 times. It now will bounce around 250 times. The camera.bat will make the settings that let camera be destructible and the freezer ammo that bounces back does not hurt you.If you have any comments, suggestions for any future changes you can give me ideas to work on and change around. The all.bat will change everything all in one. If you suggest anything and you left your e-mail address you will be the first to recieve the newest changes. My E-mail adress is: mjb319@bellatlantic.net And my name is Sean Bugel Hope you like the new configurations!