====================================== Duke Nukem 3D (v1.3) Con File Created by Joseph Sowards ====================================== *Are you all boring of seeing not much bloods in the game?* Here, this con file, you can see a lot of bloods appear in many way you do. Here the list that bloods appear: 1. Shoot bullet cause bloods spread around. 2. Explosion become bloods. 3. Shoot on the wall make blood stay on, like you use shotgun though pigcop. 4. Rat run around with bloods spreading all over. 5. Press space to let Duke throw some bloods. 6. When Duke gets hurt, he throws some bloods. 7. Shoot RPG make a lot of blood too. You don't have to make backup for your game.con, I have created safer way to play game.con with .BAT file, put all files to Duke Nukem folder except this text if you want. And double click on BloodGame.bat. I will try to make better bloody game next time if I feel like to do it. ====================================== Email me at haloboycs@hotmail.com if you like this bloody game con file. ======================================