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Here's listed some: * Bots can use jetpack if they can't reach you normally, eg. if you are higher than 'em. * Bots will spawn at random spots after some time when you fragged 'em. * Bots can use RPG or Shotgun when in distance, and Shrinker when they can get close. This makes 'em very challenging. * They can run same speed as players can. * Bots use Medkits sometimes. * There could be human team against Bot team, it's very fun! * Bots sometimes say something in different situations, like in fight. --------------------------------------- ---------------- Installing and Playing I have included one Multiplayer demo recorded on my LAN, where I was playing with other human player against Bot Team, on CR City. You can play it back by starting game normally; just type DUKE3D /XBOT.CON at prompt, and demo begins to play. It's about ten minutes long. Unzip BOTxx.ZIP with all it's contents to your Duke3D directory. It's doesn't replace any existing files, except TILES005.ART and DEMO1.DMO if you have 'em. If these have some important content for you, you should take backups of them first. Single Player Dukematch ----------------------- Run BOT.BAT to start Single Player game. You can use parameters with BAT, like BOT 1 1 /R You can give directly level (see below for available Bot support levels) as parameter where you want to play, like BOT 1 1 If you don't, game will begin at Launch Facility, and you can select level at New Game -menu, which is now for multiplayer. BTW, if you want parameters, episode and level must be specified, and then parameters, like: BOT 1 1 /R /Q3 so this one doesn't work: BOT /R /M NukeBOT on Network ------------------ Run BOTIPX.BAT to start Network game. (BTW, current BOTIPX.BAT will set 2 player game, if you want more, you should edit it) Enter: BOTIPX 1 1 and game will begin at CR City, if you don't give any parameters, game will begin normally. (Master selects level, ect.) You can use other parameters with it too, like BOTIPX 1 1 /R will record demo. BOTIPX.BAT works same way as BOT.BAT (see above). Of course you can use SETUP for Network game, and in some cases you should do it instead of BOTIPX. Just enter /xbot.con -parameter for setup: SETUP /XBOT.CON LIST CURRENT NukeBOT SUPPORT LEVELS: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ I'll replace Episode 1: L.A. Meltdown with Bot supported levels. But here's no more than one in this release. You can easily port your favorites (see below), and distribute them publically, if their Author(s) permit it. Map name Episode, Level Author ____________|______________|__________________________________ CR City | E1L1 | CryptR (me), lmuur@dlc.fi If you have totally great map, and it just fits for Bot play - see CRCITY.MAP for the example what that map should look like, you might ask me as E-Mail if I want it and it may be distributed directly with NukeBOT archive, like CR City. See section below how to add NukeBOT support for your map. Here's some recommendations: * Use only textures of one theme in your map (City, Space, ect.), NO space and city mixed for the example. I like especially City theme levels. * Use pretty smooth terrain in your map so bots doesn't get stuck too often. * You should follow CR City -style architecture all the time in your level. * You may use new textures, but then please use TILES014.ART for that. Notice that TILES014.ART must NO take more than 500 kb of disk space. And no crap textures thanx! DON'T send me anything as E-Mail before I request you to do that, just ask me first. I suggest that you upload your map somewhere to the net, like into your own homepage directory and then you drop me a line. If you are awesome map author and you have got some public praise, it will help you a lot! ;) --------------------------------------- ------- Adding NukeBOT support for maps As you might guess, there are no bots in level if you don't add them. You must add NukeBOT support for all levels you are going to play if there aren't already. You can add it easily, just first open level on Build, delete all enemies (you should, I think you DON'T want those in DM). Delete all Respawn sprites too (# 9?) PIGCOPs (# 2000) are NukeBOT spawn positions. You should insert them into open areas. So bots don't get stuck. Look supplied CRCITY.MAP for the example, there's PIGCOPs and goodies only there. You should add about 4 Bot starts, depends of course size of the level. --------------------------------------- --------------- Help wanted, bugs, ect. There are some mystic bugs that I can't fix. Here's list: * Bot gets invulnerable when it tries to stomp shrunken player. Other player(s) can't hurt it. There's also one possible other problem, if bot dies while it is trying to stomp shrunken player, it gets invulnerable and/or inshootable. * Bot sometimes stands and doesn't move, and it's not blockable. However, this can be fixed by shooting bot with some projectile weapon (RPG) and it's dodge ai will be activated and bot will return to it's normal state. * I'm also very interested if someone could implement feature that when bot is on jetpack, and if it can't see any player(s) in 8 secs, it'll land back to ground and seek players normally. Currently it can't land back to ground, except when it gets hit or it's trying to dodge flying projectile. If you know how to fix these and/or if you experience any other problems where you know solution how to fix please E-Mail me. --------------------------------------- --------------- Copyright / Permissions NukeBOT (c) and all it's code + new contents are copyrighted (c) by L.mR-SOFT. You MAY modify code for your on private use, but you may NOT distribute modified versions in any way. Also, I'm not responsible if this causes any damage, use at your own risk! You MAY distribute NukeBOT in Internet, BBS's, ect. as far as BOTxx.ZIP and all it's contents remains unmodified. Please distribute original archive which is be obtained from my Web site or one of places listed at next section below. If you are going to distribute NukeBOT on commercial CD, let me know first by E-Mailing me. --------------------------------------- ------------------ Where to get NukeBOT Internet: - My own Web site of course: www.dlc.fi/~lmuur - Maybe www.dukeworld.com, but not sure yet. BBS's: - MBnet (for Finnish people):