====================================================================== Title : BradCONS 2000 - the war of the clans Files Included : cons2000.con, defs2000.con, user2000.con, iron2000.bat, ak47.wav, boo.wav, boomstik.voc, chaingun.voc, fatality.wav, green.voc, kick.voc, loon.voc, mushroom.voc, remingtn.voc, rico.voc, sam.voc, shtgns.voc, logo.2k, moreinfo.doc Author : "Iron" Brad E-mail : BDS4Prez@aol.com Web Page : None Other Files : The original BradCONS, that's about it. Maybe some RTS work later. Description : BradCONS 2000 - the war of the clans. Minor fixes from v1.0, 2 new fatalities, and now 11 new kinds of lizard troopers that can randomly appear. Additional Credits To : 3D Realms, the people who made Mortal Kombat and a certain large software corporation's golf game for "allowing" me to "borrow" sounds for the game, Samuel L. Jackson for being a bad-ass, the guy from Army of Darkness (don't remember his name), and Jonah Bishop and Joris Weimar for the CON FAQ. ====================================================================== "Iron" Brad presents: BradCONS 2000 - the war of the clans Note: This file is for Version 1.3D ONLY After a multitude of long breaks from Duke, and a lot of Quake 3, I've finally got around to creating the next BradCONS. This has been a long time in the making, and there were many unreleased products, but now I have another set of files that are worthy of the BradCONS name. I have included much from Version 1.0, but sadly most of it had to be sidelined. However, I feel that the new changes kick enough ass to make up for it. New features: --> Now you hear movie quotes when you pick up most weapons! The majority are Samuel L. Jackson quotes, but there are a few Army of Darkness quotes as well. --> Fixed major bugs in the mind bullets which made one unable to do just about anything when they had over 100 health. Now they fire much slower, and also only when the player is ducking. --> Like in Quake 3, when you run you make noise. --> New sounds out the--I mean, lots of new sounds. --> A new logo animation, which honestly took all of about 10 minutes to make. --> The lizardmen (not to be confused with the troopers) now shoot shrinkers, which was my original intent anyway. Listen to the new quote when you get shrunk, it's a classic. If you're on steroids, they spit instead. --> More emphasis placed on fatalities. This time, there are three. 1) Kick a suffering trooper for 5 health and an item. 2) Shrinking a suffering trooper blows him (and anything around him) to bits and gives you 20 health. 3) Shrink a frozen trooper for 10 health points and a crystal ammo. --> Fatalities now also spawn rats, sort of a "Kenny's Dead" theme. --> Fixed a bug in the original game that made the pigcop's shotgun WAY more powerful than it should be. --> Developed a control scheme similar to that of Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament. More on this in the MoreInfo.doc file. --> And most importantly, the clans! clans: ====== When a trooper/trooper captain sees you, they may randomly turn into one of 11 different clans. --> Fire troopers/captains shoot the laser and explode when they die. --> Ice troopers/captains shoot the freezer and are immune to the freezethrower. --> Psychic troopers shoot cool explosions and absorb mind bullets. --> Radioactive troopers spit at you and hurt you when you're close. --> Shadow troopers are solid black and can teleport without making a sound or a visible teleporter star. --> Stealth troopers are invisible. --> Bonus troopers don't shoot and leave stuff as they're hit. --> Demolition troopers will try to blow you up. --> Trooper incubators will release a larval trooper upon being killed. More detailed information is located in the MoreInfo.doc file and in the CON files themselves. Surviving features from v1.0: --> Weapons hold more and boxes give more ammo. --> First aid kits and atomic health give more health. --> Some enemies are weaker. --> You start out with 50 armor points. --> You can only drink water if your health is below 50. --> When you hit most troopers with an RPG, they lose control of their bowels. --> Most troopers shoot pistols (like they should anyway, really). --> The firelaser is more powerful. --> When you're on steroids, you shoot spit when you kick. --> When your health gets below 25, you can leave bloodstains on the wall by pressing space. --> Also when your health gets below 25, every 7 or 8 seconds you will lose 1 point of health and leave a bloodpool. --> The mind bullet, obviously. Duck and press space when you're health is over 100. --> Fatalities, obviously. * Play Information * Single Player : Yes DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes, but mind bullets won't work. Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : N/A Plutonium Pak Required : Ver. 1.3D only New Art : No New Music : No New Sound Effects : Yes, tons New .CON Files : Yes, duh Demos Replaced : No ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : BradCONS v1.0 and the original CONs Editor(s) Used : WordPad, Cool Edit 96, Paint Shop Pro Construction Time : Off and on, a hell of a long time Known Bugs/"Features" : Troopers that can't fly will fly until they land, so they don't splatter before they can kill you. You know. (If you find any bugs please let me know.) * Where to get this file * File location : If you're looking at this don't you already know? I mean, come on. ===================================================================== *Important Information* Installation : Just put all the files into your Duke3d directory and use the file iron2000.bat to run. You don't have to back up your .con files. Important Notes : I don't care if you reproduce this file or use this file as a base for another file, just as long as you include this text file in its unedited form and you e-mail me to tell me first. =====================================================================