A save and .con that,when placed together,do some unusual stuff. NOTE:The save will make Duke crash if used without the .con file. the save is in level two of episode one. I used the dnstuff command to get 999 lasertrips.(That's what the con's for.) The framerate may be slow at the start. I don't recommend less than a Pentium.Also,the file gives some new sounds.(I just happened to be using that con at the time.) The shotgun and chaingun are stronger,too. I just LOVE pouring 1000 devastator shots into a boss. Oh,and one more thing: the trips are in mode 2. You can only see them with IR goggles.Hee-hee!Try to finish the level without using god mode. I killed every enemy up to the yellow access door,but after that yer on yer own.(Fortunately, after that, no trips. But be careful! whatever shotgun I give you, I also give to the pigcops.) Have a nice day.