================================ The Unofficial 3D Realms CON Fix Created for Duke Nukem 3D Versions 1.4 and 1.5 Authored by Jonah Bishop Visit Map FAQ Central Today! http://mapfaq.3dportal.com ================================ For quite some time, Duke Nukem 3D has had several bugs in it, so I have created a set of con files that "fix" these bugs. The changes are as follows: * The Unbreakable Plate Sprite #851 (a sushi plate) was not previously breakable like the other plate sprites. Now it is. * Episode 2 and 3 Mini-Bosses Now level designers can now use the episode 2 and episode 3 bosses to create corresponding mini-bosses. The episode 2 mini-boss is as powerful as the episode 1 mini-boss, but the episode 3 mini-boss is a little more powerful (1.75 times as powerful). * Duke Nukem Cutout The Duke Nukem cutout sprite (found in the Babe Land level) is now destructible, as it once was supposed to be. * Wackplayer The wackplayer command (occurs when Duke is low on health - when he gets hit, the screen tilts to the side) has been brought back. * Security Camera Destruction The security cameras have been made destructible (I don't know why they didn't make them destructible in the first place). Very cool feature.