COOLCON v1.0 by: Jordan These are .con files for use with the full version of Duke Nukem v1.3 they might run on earlier versions or shareware. I don't know. To play with these cons you do the usual. ( backup your old cons, and replace them with these ) I take no responsibility for what happens to your computer or whatever. I admit there are a few bugs in this version. ( its the first one what do you expect ) Hopefully i can fix them for COOLCON v2.0.I would save my game often if I were you, and maybe use GOD MODE. Here is a list of stuff that these cons are modified to do. 1. Pick up pistol ammo = Get all weapons and items except access cards. 2. Max player health way up 3. Weapons have modified strengths. 4. More guts for everyone. Sometimes GORE state kicks in. 5. TROOPS NOW FIRE DIFFERENT WEAPONS 6. Troops sometimes drop dead for no reason. 7. Troops can blow up and their carcasses can still be there. 8. Troops can catch fire for no reason. 9. Troops can spit on you. ( its green ) 10. Troops can drop a turd. 11. Troops can emit smoke sometimes. ( look at their backs ) 12. Troops throw money when flying. 13. Troops throw ooz when flying. 13. Sometimes you can shoot trooop carcasses around ( they bleed to ) 15. Hit spacebar and drop a turd, and sound a fart. (player needs to run around for a minute first or it won't work ) 16. Pigcops sometimes choke if shot ( I think ) ( no promises ) 17. Pigcops will disappear if shot at close range ( now that I promise ) 18. You can hump a dancer in level 2. 19. You can tip the women in the cacoons. ( there is a glitch there also ) 20. Other changes can be made if you rem out some lines. Spawn a Troop Catch yourself on fire. Have a good time with these cons. Do what you want with them, just mention my name if you use them in your cons. Here is the notice from Todd Replogle. I took it out of the cons. See ya, Jordan /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Duke Nukem 3D .CON file. By Todd Replogle (c) 1996 3D Realms Entertainment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTICE IF YOU USE MODIFIED .CON FILES If you are playing a MULTIPLAY game (Dukematch or Co-op) and you are using *modified* .CON files (USER.CON, GAME.CON, DEFS.CON), then each multiplayer must be using the EXACT SAME .CON files, or the game will get out of sync and/or develop interesting problems. 3D Realms encourages you to experiment freely with the parameters contained in this file, and to share your discoveries with the rest of the world. However, BE ADVISED that 3D Realms does NOT offer any technical support on how to use this file or other user-modifiable features of this game. Do NOT call 3D Realms or Apogee Software for advice or help with this subject. You make modifications to this and other files at your own risk. It is recommended that you first make a backup copy of this, or any .CON files before making any changes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CREDITS= ?