6:05 PM 7/1/96 Crazy Con Warning: Before you install these con files into your Duke Nukem 3D directory you should back up the original ones. I'm not responsible if something should happen to your Duke Nukem 3D. You are not allowed to modify these con files however, if you do you better have a dam'n good reason for it or you suck! Crazy Con modifys your Duke Nukem 3D in a funny way. This is what it does ============================================================================= 1)All monsters are very easy 2)The 3 bosses and the mini boss are very hard. 3)Sometimes the will disappear when you kill them 4)Sometimes when you kill a monster thier carcasses will end up at the other side of the room. 5)The swearing is very high. (Yes!) 6)All new quotes and messeges. 7)All new level names. 8)Heath max is 9999. 9)Armor max is 9999. 10)Ammo max is 9999. 11)Box of ammo amount is 9999. 12)Long lasting inventory items. 13)Very low blast radius for the RPG,PipeBomb,Shrinker and Devestator. 14)My favourite - Lots of guts! 15)Duke will say something when you hold down the spacebar. 16)Push the spacebar near the wall and blood will appear 17)When you kill a monster on a toilet there will be a pile of poo on the ground. There are lots of other things that you can do but its your job to find them. Watch for CRAZY CON 2 AND 3 'cause I'm working on them! This was made by Bradley Cormier. Comments/Questions - E-Mail whizhard@idirect.com FIN =============================================================================