_/^ D E M 0 N B L 0 0 D ^\_ WARNING: The author of Demon Blood v2.1 is not responsible for any damage caused by Demon Blood. You should backup your current Duke Nukem 3d cons. WHO MADE IT? I did (duh!), Mike (I won't give out my last name), email me at psiblade@mindless.com. WHAT WAS THE MOTIVATION? School!!! WHAT IS DEMON BLOOD FOR? Demon Blood was created from Duke Nukem 3D v1.3 cons and has been tested with v1.3. NOT tested with Atomic, or Plutonium. If anyone has Atomic or Plutonium try the cons and email me the results (worked/not worked)! WHAT DOES DEMON BLOOD DO? Demon Blood adds even more (oh yess!) GUTS and BLOOD, the things that made Duke3d good in the first place. For example: -Blood Squirts out and a blood pool forms when you get an item (no health loss!)] -Steam is good for Duke's health (gain health) -Sharks weren't so mean after all (gain health upon bite) -Adds aproximatley 120,027,232.7 Gallons of BLOOD to monsters! -Blood/gut explosion when mosters are hit -Large BLOOD/GUT burst when monsters gte hit with an explosive weapon (RPG/DEVASTATOR/PIPEBOMB) -200 Health total -1000 (!!!) atomic health max -Great for DukeMatch -Stronger guns (watchout for Lizmen and Pigcops! They use the same Shotgun and Chaingun as you!) -Press space and a bloodpool forms! (make blood art by holding down space!) -MedKit is now 300% max -Much more! (I keep forgeting the things I keep adding...) ANY SIDE-EFFECTS? -All the blood and guts can get foggy. >:) -When troopers choke so much blood and guts are produced that it may slow down your computer a bit. -Thats all I can think of... ANY BUGS? None yet... If you find one email me! My email again is psiblade@mindless.com, please report any bugs so that I can fix them and release a new version as soon as possible!