****************************************************************************** * Duke Rage Con * * By: Stallion * ****************************************************************************** This con file will patch over your exsiting cons and make several changes to Duke. When Duke is on steroids, he will become bigger (look in view mode F7) he will turn red, (again view in view mode!!) His heart will start beating rapidly, and he will become invincable. To install this patch, run the Bat file called dukerage.bat. Make sure you keep it in the same directory as all the files that came in the zipped file. To undo the changes run the restore.bat file, and your duke will be the same as it was before. I hope you enjoy this file. Stal WHERE CAN I GET THIS FILE?? While if your reading this than I'll bet that you already have it!! But if you ever want to download it again you will find it at, http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/3488/duke.htm http://www.azstarnet.com/~duke3d/duke.html And Josh's Duke Nukem 3D Mailing list at: http://www.azstarnet.com/~duke3d/sign.html If you have any problems with this file than its BROKEN!! Email me and tell me your problem at: bryanr@adan.kingston.net. Also If you have any of your own Homemade cons, rts, or maps please send them to me at: bobr@adan.kingston.net. Thanks!!