Duke Nukem 3-D Expert Duke v1.0 Expert Duke are for those players who think they got it all! The players who say they can beat this game with their eyes close! Well here's their chance to prove it! You'll start off with 1 engry 0 armor, the enemies will take a very VERY VERY VERY LONG time to kill you can use any weapon you wish even the rpg can't kill them!(can't tell you the rest,You'll have to try it to find out!) Don't Cheat with the god mode!!!!(If you do,then your not the best!) The files that should be in the zip are: Defs.con Game.con User.con Readme.txt(which you are reading now) Note: you must back up (Defs.con,Game.con,and the User.con) before you put the files that are in this zip into your DN3D file. I will not be responsible if your duke nukem get's messed up! Note2: if you want your old DN3D back then delete the Defs.con,Game.con, and User.con and put back in your old Defs.con,Game.con, and User.con that you had backed up before (hopefully you backed it up ;) My e-mail address: polorice98@aol.com