====================================== Duke Nukem 3D (v1.3) Con File Created by Joseph Sowards ====================================== *Do you want to kill enemy with the blast come out of bullet?* I do have it, here's it is. 2 effect in it is: 1. Bullet makes explosion. 2. RPG makes a lot of explosion. You don't have to make backup for your game.con, I have created safer way to play game.con with .BAT file, put all files to Duke Nukem folder except this text if you want. And double click on Explosion Bullet.bat. In this new version, I have updated bat file, you can run either duke3d right away or use setup. (Kewl, huh?) And disabled the annoy popup screen asking you to get future Duke Nukem games. (Ah, life is easier!) Also related to the information above, I have added button 3 to quit the bat program without messing up the con file. The last information on the bottom, it has information about the Fit_It_EB.bat. Fixed little bug in this version too!!! Go to EB_Readme3.txt to see some important imformation. ====================================== Email me at haloboycs@hotmail.com if you like this explosion bullet game con file. ======================================