Title: " I-Duke" Files: I-user.con I-game.con I-duke.txt DMZ.map DMZ.txt Author: Ivan Petrosevic What to do: the file "IN.BAT" sets up the I-duke files and backs up the originals. "OUT.BAT" restores the original files. Just what the hell is I-duke? Its a patch that brings new life to your Duke Nukem game. It gives the game more blood, sounds, difficulty, new twists, alien deaths, text, and just plain fun. Note: Turn on your messages ( F8 ) if you want to read the lame new text. Tips: 1. The spacebar has a couple more functions now. 2. When alien troopers are suffering, maybe it would be a good time to buy an item off them, you know they'll be dead in a second anyway. 3. Pigcops are dirty mercinaries. If you're not packin enough ammo, maybe some cash in their face could do the trick. 4. You'd be surprised what you can find when wading and searching in the water long enough. 5. If you're frozen, it's not necessarily over yet. If you're tough enough and persistent, maybe you can bust out and get some last shots off before you die. 6. If dead aliens seem to be getting in the way, don't whine, just stomp them flat. 7. Some stupid people throw their best guns in the garbage. 8. Careful with that freeze gun, if you get nailed by the icy cold blast, you might catch a nasty cold. 9. A chaingun can make a great flamethrower. 10. Meat is very nutritious. Included is DMZ.MAP, a deathmatch level for your killing enjoyment. also, check out the web for "SR2DUKE.ZIP", a deathmatch patch and "DEATHMT2.MAP" and "CRASHTV.MAP". If you have any comments (positive or negative) please drop an e-mail at my buddy's address at darkmooninn@hotmail.com - Thanks and have a happy day!