*NEW* MUSIC FOR DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.3 ------------by Patrick Bickerton "AIRCRISPY" (c) 1997 aircrispy@hotmail.com Thank you to all who made this music, or supplied it, you all did great work! THIS MAY NOT SOUND GOOD ON A 16 BIT SOUND CARD, 32 IS RECOMMENDED, BUT IT WON'T SUCK!!!!!!! Well, I've seen all the other music files, and their great, but they're old now. We need new stuff. I promised myself a year ago that I wopuld make a file, and well finally, I did it. INSTALLATION: 1. Copy all the crap into your Duke 3d directory SORRY IF YOU HAVE THE 1.4, or 1.5, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS THIS, OPEN THE 1.3 USER.CON I DISTRIBUTED, HIGHLIGHT THE MIDI SECTION, AND THEN OVERWRITE THAT SECTION IN YOURS, THEN YOU GET TO DO YOUR OWN CUSTOMIZING WITH THE PLUTONIUM MUSIC! NOTICE~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may use this as a basis for other files, but give me credit, I hate cheating lamers.