-WARNING- Use these files at your own risk, if your game crashes, don't complain to me about it. Also, 3DREALMS is not responsible either. ============================================================================= Author: Tom Maiaroto E-Mail: maiar@erols.com Author 2 (ideas): Corkster E-Mail: corkster@FRONTIERNET.NET ============================================================================= What this does: These files alter your Duke3d game. None of your files will be lost, deleted, or overwritten. The effects that happen are; Duke craps when you hit the space bar, the Shrinker's blast radius is increased, and there is more gore with the troopers.(A lot more gore!!!!) When I mean a lot, I mean 50 arms and 50 legs! How to run: Just run the POOIN.BAT file to make it work and POUT.BAT to restore. That's it, have fun! To your interest: I make files for anyone that wants them, e-mail me at: maiar@erols.com and tell me what you want, I'll do my best to satisfy you. =============================================================================