ProCON file group ver. 1.0 Description Name: ProCONs 1.0 =============================================================== Description: ----1 Enabled grenade (a MORTER, like the one boss1 uses) with each (AND ANY KIND OF) 'bullet' that hits when the [open/use] key is being pressed. This means any pistol, shotgun, and chaingun (note that the shotgun shoots several bullets simultaneously). The 'catch' is that it takes 5 of your health to do it. This number can be changed below (find 'addphealth -5') to correspond to the skill level and enemy toughness (in USER.CON). There are lots of tricks using this weapon, and of course it's overkill (try a high skill level or DukeMatch) and they can be sent to incredible distances instantly, but it's something different. ----2 Included 'bleed' patch (modified) from Trevor Hancher ( which makes Duke bleed (-1 health) every few seconds if he's below 40 health. ----3 Adjusted blood, guts, and debris amounts (greater amount and more variance). More wall-splattering/bleeding/shrapnel effects. ----4 Increased item payloads, damage, ammo amounts, and RPG & Hand Bomb blast radii... and doubled generic monster toughness levels. ----5 Modified weapon effects: * increased blast radii, power, ammo * freezethrower projectiles bounce 8 (not 3) times and have more range * shrink gun is now more of a "blob cannon" (still working on this). ----6 Changed Duke pain (screaming) thresholds to match the higher health range. =============================================================== Altered: (y) Game.con (y) User.con (y) Defs.con Credits: Modifications by JustIn ( and others are found in GAME.CON and USER.CON (search for '// JustIn'), and one line in DEFS.CON. Most of the many modifications are tiny and retain the original data in a comment (e.g., "addphealth 500 // was 100"). !!SEND SUGGESTIONS!!