Duke Nukem 3D Stripper Healing Patch Created By: Jason Clay Copyright 1996 Innovative Tech Inc. This is a simple patch that does something that should have already been programmed into Duke Nukem 3D, which is to allow strippers to heal when you dance with them. I programmed it so that you get a random amount of health back when you dance with them. If you are below 30% health, it should only take 3 or 4 dances to come back to full health. I also included a special message when you dance with the strippers. Remember to backup your old CON files, because if the patch doesn't work, then you will have to reinstall Duke Nukem 3D. Innovative Tech Inc. is not responsible in any way if Duke Nukem 3D is damaged by this patch. Note that this patch has been tested with v1.3d of Duke Nukem 3D and will not work with any other version. If you have any questions or comments about the patch contact me at one of the following e-mail addresses: CompuServe: 75453,3331 Internet: 75453.3331@compuserve.com Be sure to try out the new web page, Duke Nukem 3D HQ! The address for the home page is: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Blackhand/duke3d.htm