DUKE3D TEMPLATE Enemies.txt ============================================================================ === Title : No level just a help file. Filename : Enemies.zip Author : Steven Petrovics Griffiths E-mail : MUZZAG@xtra.co.nz Authorinfo : I got sick of not having the enemie and item numbers when I was building. Otherlevels : Burnt.zip v1.3d. Burnt2.zip v1.4/1.5. Powguns.zip - makes the guns powerful. Midi.zip (coming soon) -52 midi files. Description : When building you will know all the numbers for the enemies items ammo and the guns -very handy! Additional credits to : Me for doing this! ========================================================================= === Important Information : none. Where to get this file: http://www.dukeworld.com The best Duke site in the WORLD!!